Transferring from Mac Notes to Obsidian

  • Straight copy-and-pasting frustratingly loses all formatting or creates extra line breaks, and images cannot be transferred
  • To get around that, I first copy from Mac Notes and paste directly to the Bear App (free on AppStore), then export as markdown with the option “Export attachments”, which creates a folder with the same name of the .md note file that contains all the images.
  • Because in this exported .md note file all the images are linked by the folder name that is the note name, create in Obsidian a folder of that same name so that when you drag the note and all the images into that folder, it still recognizes which image is which.
  • Check that the imported Obsidian note contains the images indeed, and with the ‘automatically update internal links’ option turned on, you can safely store them elsewhere(such as a dedicated attachments folder.

Subtitles & Table of Contents
Added if (text.startsWith("–")) return to toc.ts in quartz/plugins Ignore headings that start with ”–” because I format all my subtitles like that.

Syncing Quartz Every Hour When Changes Exist
I set up a Cron Job for updating the quartz site every hour but only if changes exist.
In Terminal:

crontab -e
0 * * * * cd /path/to//quartz-repo && if [ -n "$(git status --porcelain)" ]; then git add . && git commit -m "Auto-sync notes from iCloud" && git push origin v4; fi
  • if you’re using mac terminal, save and exit by pressing the escape button and entering :wq
  • git status --porcelain checks if there are uncommitted changes.
  • the sync only runs if changes exist, which ensures no unnecessary commits!


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