Select Quotes

Chapter Iv Modern China

Yet it is often difficult to interest even the most reforming Chinese in afforestation, because it is not an easy subject for ethical enthusiasm. – Page 34

Our theories of politics are only true in the West (if there); our theories of forestry are equally true everywhere. Yet it is our theories of politics that Chinese students are most eager to learn. – Page 34

They have not yet grasped that men’s morals in the mass are the same everywhere: they do as much harm as they dare, and as much good as they must. – Page 34

Chapter Vii Japan And China Before 1914

In China, on the contrary, power seemed so secure, the Empire was so vast and immemorial, that the need for loyalty was not felt. Security bred a different set of virtues, such as courtesy, considerateness, and compromise. Now that security is gone, and the Chinese find themselves plunged into a world of warring bandits, they have difficulty in developing the patriotism, ruthlessness, and unscrupulousness which the situation demands. – Page 51