Hi! I’m Spencer

I am deeply interested in interdisciplinary studies that combine biology, anthropology, and evolutionary psychology to explore the complexities of human behavior, technological evolution, and societal development, as discussed by leading thinkers like Robert Sapolsky and Richard Dawkins. My reading also focuses on how our understanding of neuroscience and the evolution of brains informs the designs of neural networks and influence the advancement of machine learning techniques.
我对生物学、人类学和进化心理学的跨学科研究深感兴趣,希望借此探索人类行为的复杂性、技术演化以及社会发展。我的阅读方向受到Robert SapolskyRichard Dawkins等思想家的影响,同时也关注神经科学与大脑进化如何影响神经网络的设计,并推动机器学习技术的发展。

How to use this site 如何使用本站

The articles in this vault are linked together like Wikipedia articles. If you see underlined text, this is a link to either external webpage or to another article in the vault. This makes it easy to go from one idea to any related idea in one click.

You can also see an interactive graph view that shows the current article and its connections to others. The articles are vertices or nodes in the network, and there is an edge between two vertices if one article links to the other. You can use the graph of you to jump onto any connected article by simply clicking on its vertex. Vertices in the graph that are greyed out indicate articles that have not yet been written.
此外,你还可以查看交互式图谱视图,它展示了当前文章与其他文章的连接关系。每篇文章在图谱中都是一个节点(vertex),如果一篇文章链接到另一篇文章,它们之间就会形成一条边(edge)。你可以直接在图谱上点击任何已连接的节点,跳转到相关文章。灰色的节点 表示该文章尚未撰写。

I continually update my most recent studies through note-taking and quotes of book, courses, and documentaries.
